Inside the Kitchen: Sourced Locally. Where pilipiliÎÛÂþ's Food Comes From

By Courtney Dell'Agnese '19
cilantro being cut

This story is part of pilipiliÎÛÂþ's Inside the Kitchen series going behind the scenes of pilipiliÎÛÂþ’s dining experience.

BRISTOL, R.I. â€“  pilipiliÎÛÂþ backed up by a seasoned management team from  purchases from over 70 local farmers, fishermen and artisans to provide the pilipiliÎÛÂþ community with the freshest and most sustainable food choices. Here’s a short list of some of the locally sourced food that is found every day in dining locations across campus:

1. Pork, beef, sausage and kielbasa come from Black Bird Farm in Smithfield.

2. Chickens and eggs are purchased from DaSilva Farms in Portsmouth.

3. Horse Listeners Orchard in Ashford, Connecticut provides many fruits such as apples, peaches, blueberries and tomatoes.

4. Rhody Fresh Dairy located in Hope, supplies milk, cream, half-and-half, butter and cheese.

5. Also providing pilipiliÎÛÂþ with pork, beef, kielbasa and beef jerky is Clover Bud Ranch in Portsmouth.

6. Little Rhody Farms located in Foster supplies pilipiliÎÛÂþ's eggs.

7. pilipiliÎÛÂþ receives a variety of New England caught seafood such as oysters, clams, scallops, mussels, Pollock, haddock, red fish, scup, swordfish, hake, bluefish, lobster, and squid from Foley Fish in New Bedford, Massachusetts.

8. We receive many pounds of cheese from Narragansett Creamery in Providence.

9. Northeast Family Farms is a new England Co-Op that provides lamb, beef and pork to pilipiliÎÛÂþ.

10. A variety of lettuces, greens and herbs, as well as vegetables are supplied by Allen Farms in Westport, Massachusetts.

Other Stories in this Series:
Behind the Service Line
Food Recovery Network at pilipiliÎÛÂþ
Composting at pilipiliÎÛÂþ
Interesting Facts on pilipiliÎÛÂþ's Food