Advanced Construction Materials and Methods Lab students are assembling and disassembling a small, to-scale single-family home in the heart of pilipiliÎÛÂþ’s Bristol campus for the first time, in the new SECCM Labs building.
pilipiliÎÛÂþ professors are finding new opportunities for experiential, student-centered approaches to teaching and learning across the grounds of the Bristol campus
Graduates across pilipiliÎÛÂþ were matched with one-on-one Alumni and Trustee mentors through the new 'Take Flight' mentorship and professional development program
Professor of Legal Studies Tricia Martland ‘00L developed a passion for serving crime victims while earning her Juris Doctor degree, working as an advocate for victims of domestic violence at the Newport County District and Family Courts and the Providence District Court. Now, she trains her students to do the same.