Faculty Scholarship - R

Ram, Anjali

Ram, A. (2021). In A. Arora & M. Anwer (Eds.) Bollywood’s New Woman (pp.133-146). Rutgers University Press. 

Ram, A. (2021). Global Media Journal: Canadian edition, 13 (1), 28-44. 

Bhatia, S. & Ram A. (2018). In E. Chang & M. Perera (Eds.), Biopsychosocial Approaches to Understanding Health in South Asian Americans (pp.15-32). New York, NU: Springer Publishers. 

Ram, Anjali. Peter Lang, 2014. 

Bhatia, S. & Ram A. (2012). In A. Hilger and C. Unger (Eds.), India in the World, 1947-1991: National and Transnational Perspectives. New York, NY: Peter Lang International Academic Publishers. 

Bhatia, S. & Ram A. (2009).  International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 33(2),140-149. 

Bhatia, S. & Ram A. (2006). In A. K. Sahoo and B. Maharaj (Eds.), Sociology of the Diaspora: A Reader. New Delhi: Rawat Press. (reprint) 

Ram, Anjali (2008)  Reason and Respect: Vol. 1 : Iss. 2 , Article 14. 

Ram, A. (2005).  Sex Roles, 52, 713-714. 

Bhatia, S. & Ram A. (2004).  Mind, Culture, and Activity, 11,(3), 224-240. 

Ram, A. (2003). In M. Fong and R. Chuang (Eds.), Communicating ethnic and cultural identity (pp.121-133). Lanham, MD: Rowan and Littlefield. 

Ram, A. (2002).  Women’s Studies in Communications, 25(1), 25-52. 

Bhatia, S. & Ram, A. (2001).  Human Development, 44, 1-17. 

Bhatia, S. & Ram, A. (2001).  Culture and Psychology, 7, 296-309. 

Ram, A. (2000).  National Identity, 2, 98-100. 

Ram, A. (1999). In M. Meyers (Ed.), Mediated women: Representations in popular culture (pp.355-368). Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press. 

Singhal, A. & Ram, A. (1993). The communication challenge to AIDS prevention and control. Critique; A Review of Indian Journalism. 1, 30-36.

Rawls, Christina

Eckstrand, N., & Rawls, C. (2020, August 24).  Blog of the APA. 

Rawls, C., & Miller, K. (2020, September 4).  Blog of the APA. 

Rawls, C., Neiva, D. & Gouveia, S.S., (Eds.). (2019).  New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 

Clark, Richard D., Buchanan, Carrie, & Rawls, Christina (2018) Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal: Vol. 7 : No. 2. 

David Fernbach and G.M. Goshgarian trs.Cambridge: Polity, 2015; 280 pp. ISBN: 978-0745690353. Reviewed by Christina Rawls, pilipili.

Rebelo, Dennis

Rebelo, Dennis.  Lioncrest Publishing, 2021. 

Reynolds, Dahliani

Forsa, C., Hendrickson, B., & Reynolds, D. (2020). Composition Forum, 45. 

Rhyne, Andrew

Tlusty, M., A.L. Rhyne, L. Kaufman, et al. 2013.  Zoo Biology 32 (1). 

Raghaven, R., D. Dahanukar, M. Tlusty, A.L. Rhyne, et al. 2013.  Biological Conservation 164: 158-169. 

Rhyne, A.L., M.F. Tlusty, and L. Kaufman. 2012. Conservation Letters 5: 478-485.

Rhyne, Andrew and el al. 2012. Plos One e35808. 

Bartilotti, C., R. Calado, A.L. Rhyne, and A. Santos. 2012. Helgoland Marine Research 66: 97. 

Rhyne, A.L. and M. Tlusty. 2012.  Aquaculture, Aquariums, Conservation & Legislation 5: 99-102.

Morris, J.A., A. Thomas, A.L. Rhyne, N. Breen, L. Akins, and B. Nash. 2011. Aquaculture, Aquariums, Conservation & Legislation 5: 99-102.

Cassiano, E.J., C.L. Ohs, C.R. Weirich, N.E. Breen, and A.L. Rhyne. 2011. North American Journal of Aquaculture 73: 114-123. 

Torres-Pratts, H., T. Lado-Insua, A.L. Rhyne, L. Rodrigues-Matos, and N.V. Schizas. 2011.Coral Reefs 30: 391-396. 

Ohs, C., A.L. Rhyne, S. Grabe, M. Dimaggio, and E. Stenn. 2010. North American Journal of Aquaculture 72: 132-140.

Tissot, B.N., B.A. Best, E.H. Borneman, A.L. Rhyne et al. 2010. Marine Policy 36: 1385-1388. 

Rhyne, Andrew L. 2010. Aquaculture, Aquariums, Conservation & Legislation 3: 269-272. 

Laubenheimera, H. and A.L. Rhyne. 2010. Zootaxa 2372: 298-304. 

Fiedler, G.C.,  A.L. Rhyne, and N. Schizas. 2010. "Mitochondrial and Nuclear Ribosomal Phylogeny of the Hippolytid Shrimp Genus Lysmata." BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 297.

Dimaggio, M., C. Ohs, S. Grabe, B. Petty, and A.L. Rhyne. 2010. North American Journal of Aquaculture 72: 124-131. 

Fiedler, G.C., A.L. Rhyne, and N. Schizas. 2010. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 297. 

Ohs, C., A.L. Rhyne, S. Grane, M. Dimaggio, and E. Stenn. 2010.  Aquaculture 3-4: 219-224. 

Rhyne, A., R. Rotjan, A. Bruckner, and M. Tlusty. 2009. Plos One e8413.

Rhyne, A.L., C. Ohs, and E. Stenn. 2009. Aquaculture 292: 53-59.

Rhyne, A.L., D. Zhang, J. Lin, and N. Schizas. 2009. Lysmata Wurdemanni 288, (2009).

Zhang, D., J. Lin, J.D. Hardege, and A.L. Rhyne. 2009. Marine Biology Research 5: 470-477.

Ohs, C., A.L. Rhyne, and E. Stenn. 2009. Aquaculture 287: 114. 

Laubenheimera, H. and A.L. Rhyne.  2008. Journal of Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 88: 301-305.

Zhang, D., A.L. Rhyne, and J. Lin. 2007. Journal of Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 87: 517-522.

Rhyne, A.L. and A. Anker. 2007. Helgoland Marine Research 61: 291-296. 

Roberts, Joseph

Roberts, Joseph W., Agnieska Paczynska, and Daniel Wehrenfennig. 2013. "Conflict and Conflict Resolution." PS: Political Science and Politics 46 (3).

Roberts, Joseph W., Mark Sachleben, and Deborah Ward. 2012. "Internationalizing the Curriculum." PS: Political Science and Politics 45 (3).

Roberts, Joseph. Edwin Mellen Press, 2009. 

Roberts, Joseph, Rachell Ellett and David Kiwuwa. 2009. "Internationalizing the Curriculum." PS: Political Science and Politics 42 (3).

Roberts, Joseph W. 2008.  "Neutrality (Speech)." In Encyclopedia of the First Amendment, edited by Hudson, David L., David A. Schultz, and John R. Vile. Washington D.C.: CQ Press.

Romano, Joan

Romano, J., & Platania, J. (2014). The Journal of International Education and Leadership, 4(1), 1-11.

Rothschild, Teal

Rothschild, T. (2019).  Contexts, 18(3), 57–59. 

Rothschild, Teal.  Lexington Books, 2018.

Rothschild, Teal. 2011.Journal of Media Sociology 3 (1-4): 77. 

Rothschild, Teal. 2010. Advances in Gender Research 13 (1). 

Rothschild, Teal. 2008. "Feminization of Migration." In Encyclopedia of Gender and Society. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Rothschild, Teal. 2008. "Poor Women’s Grassroots Activism." In Encyclopedia of Gender and Society. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Rothschild, Teal (2006) Reason and Respect: Vol. 2: Iss. 1, Article 7. 

Rutherford, Scott

Mann, M.E., J.D. Fuentes and S.D. Rutherford. 2012. "Tree Rings and Volcanic Cooling. (Reply to Comment)" Nature Geoscience 5: 837-838.

Mann, M.E., J.D. Fuentes and S.D. Rutherford.  2012. Nature Geoscience DOI: 10:1038/NCEO1394.

Schmidt, G., M.E. Mann, and S.D. Rutherford.  2011. "A Comment on “A Statistical Analysis of Multiple Temperature Proxies: Are Reconstructions of Surface Temperatures Over the Last 1000 Years Reliable?” by McShane and Wyner." Annals of Applied Statistics 5 (1): 65-70.

Rutherford, S.D., M.E. Mann, C.M. Amann and E.R. Wahl. 2010. "Comments on “A Surrogate Ensemble Study of Climate Reconstruction Methods: Stochasticity and Robustness”. " Journal of Climate 23: 2832-2838.

Mann, M.E., Z. Zhang, S. Rutherford et al. 2009. Science 326 (1256). 

Steig, Eric J., D.P. Schneider, S.D. Rutherford, M.E. Mann, J.C. Comiso, and D.T. Shindell. 2009. Nature 457: 459-463. 

Emile-Geay, J. K.M. Cobb, M.E. Mann and S.Rutherford. 2008. "Low-frequency tropical Pacific sea-surface temperature reconstrucion and error estimates." Eos, Transactions american Geophysical Union 89(53) Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract PP21D-01.

Mann, M.E., Z. Zhang, R.S. Bradley, M.K. Hughes, S. Miller, S.D. Rutherford and F. Ni. 2008. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105, (36): 13252-13257. 

Wang, G., A.J. Spivack, S.D. Rutherford, U. Manor and S. D'Hondt. 2008. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 72: 3479-3488. 

Rutherford, S.D., M.E. Mann, E. Wahl, and C. Ammann. 2008. "Reply to: Comment on ‘Robustness of Proxy-Based Climate Field Reconstruction Methods’, by Mann Et Al. " Journal of Geophysical Research 113.

Steig, E.J., D.P. Schneider, S.D. Rutherford,  M.E. Mann, J.C.Comiso, D.T. Shindell. 2008. Significant warming of West Antarctica in the last 50 years, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April.

Mann, M.E., R.S. Bradley, E. Crespin, H. Goosse, M.K. Hughes, S. Rutherford, D. Shindell and Z. Zhang. 2008. Eos, Transactions american Geophysical Union 89(53).  Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract PP23C-1512. 

Mann, M.E., S.D. Rutherford, E. Wahl and C. Ammann. 2007. "Reply to Comment on “Reconstructing Past Climate from Noisy Data.” Smerdon, J.E. and A. Kaplan, 2007:Comments on “Testing the Fidelity of Methods used in Proxy-Based Reconstructions of Past Climate.” " Journal of Climate 20: 5671-5674.

Mann, M.E., S.D. Rutherford, E. Wahl and C. Ammann. 2007. "Reply to Comment on “Reconstructing Past Climate from Noisy Data.” Zorita, E., F. Gonzalez-Rouco, and H. Von Storch, 2007: Comments on “Testing the Fidelity of Methods used in Proxy-Based Reconstructions of Past Climate." Journal of Climate 20: 3693-3698.

Rutherford, Scott, Michael E. Mann, Eugene Wahl, and Caspar Ammann. 2007. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112: D12109. 

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