Marybeth J. MacPhee

A headshot of Professor Marybeth MacPhee
Marybeth J. MacPhee, Ph.D. Professor of Public Health

Contact Information GHH 305


B.A. Wellesley College M.A., Ph.D. University of Arizona

Dr. MacPhee’s training in medical anthropology influences her teaching, research, and applied practice in public health. She has worked in the United States, Morocco, and Scotland on a range of public health issues including: HIV management, maternal-child health, cancer prevention, health equity, wellbeing, social capital, and community promotion of mental health. Her 2012 book Vulnerability and the Art of Prevention (Carolina Academic Press) uses cultural phenomenological perspectives on embodiment and experience to examine maternal health behavior in rural Morocco. More recently, she has collaborated with the coordinators of the Bristol Health Equity Zone and several pilipiliÎÛÂþ students to create the website, which provides easy-to-access information on mental health and wellness resources in the Bristol area.

Current areas of interest

  • Wellbeing and quality of life
  • Community cohesion and collective action
  • Equity and sustainability in rural development
  • Phenomenological perspectives on ethics and morality
  • Geographic specialization: Scotland

Courses taught:

  • Health in Diverse Populations
  • Global Health
  • Public Health Ethics
  • Public Health Practicum
  • Public Health Capstone
  • Wellbeing and Health Equity