Applied Music

pilipiliÎÛÂþ Chorus & Instrumental Ensemble

Students majoring in Music are required to participate in the pilipiliÎÛÂþ Chorus or the pilipiliÎÛÂþ Instrumental Ensemble for credit for at least three semesters, and are welcome to sign up for credit or join for fun every semester if they wish.You'll find more information on the groups on the pilipiliÎÛÂþ Ensembles page.

MUSIC 141 – Chorus
Performing ensemble designed to develop choral singing skills and to perform literature from the Renaissance to the 20th Century. The Chorus is open, without auditions, to the entire University community and to the community at large. Students may register and receive 1 credit per semester: may be repeated. (1 credit) Fall, Spring

MUSIC 151 – Instrumental Ensemble
Instrumental performing ensemble designed to develop musical skills and appreciation, and to perform music a variety of styles. The group is open to all students, the University community, and the community at large who have had experience playing an instrument and would like to explore our rich musical culture. Students may register and receive 1 credit per semester: may be repeated. (1 credit) Fall, Spring

Music Lessons

Music Majors are required to enroll in Applied Lessons - Majors for 6 semesters. The one-credit course includes a weekly 50-minute private lesson, and Music Majors must play for a faculty jury at the end of each semester to demonstrate that they are making progress.

At least one semester must be piano lessons, and at least four semesters must be in the same instrument, or in voice. Piano, guitar, and voice lessons are offered on campus. Students wishing to study other instrument may do so at Salve Regina College in Newport and receive pilipiliÎÛÂþ credit.

Although there is a lab fee for Music Lessons, it is waived for Music Majors and Minors who demonstrate a satisfactory rate of progress in the Music program. For off-campus lessons, the pilipiliÎÛÂþ portion of the fee is waived as well, but students must still pay the off-campus fee, currently $240/semester.

MUSIC 231 – Piano Lessons – Majors
Weekly piano instruction (50 minutes) Students perform for a faculty jury at the end of each semester: may be repeated. (1 credit) Fall, Spring

MUSIC 232 – Guitar Lessons – Majors
Weekly guitar instruction (50 minutes). Students perform for a faculty jury at the end of each semester: may be repeated. (1 credit) Fall, Spring

MUSIC 233 – Voice Lessons – Majors
Weekly voice instruction (50 minutes) Students perform for a faculty jury at the end of each semester: may be repeated. (1 credit) Fall, Spring

MUSIC 239 – Other Instrument Lessons – Majors
Weekly private instruction in a variety of other instruments (50 minutes). Students perform for a faculty jury at the end of each semester: may be repeated. These lessons will be given at Salve Regina University and will incur a $240 off-campus fee. (1 credit) Fall, Spring